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How to make fizzy cocoa butter bath melts

Written by Chelsea on November 15th, 2018.      0 comments


70g organic natural cocoa butter
100g baking soda
30g citric acid


Melt the cocoa butter, add the baking soda and citric acid and pour into little chocolate-type moulds or an ice cube tray.
Leave to set in fridge to harden. 
Pop one in the bath and watch it fizz and melt. Enjoy the divine aroma.

We highly recommend storing these in the fridge when you're not using them as they will melt in hot weather! 

If you use our organic natural cocoa butter you won’t need any other fragrance as the cocoa butter smells so divine.

If you want to add a fragrance (a few drops of essential oil, for example), then use our deodorised cocoa butter, so the cocoa butter odour doesn't overwhelm your fragrance.


How to make cocoa bath melts that fizz


Recipe | Spiced Gingerbread hand wash and lotion

Written by on April 13th, 2018.      0 comments

How to make gingerbread hand cream

Recipe | Spiced Gingerbread hand wash and lotion

Nothing beats the scent of gingerbread baking the oven, which is why we've fallen in love with this easy to make hand wash set recipe, fragrant with cassia, ginger and clove bud essential oils.