Rainforest butter

Rainforest body butter

(Makes 150g)

Water Phase
100g water

Oil Phase
16g NZ walnut oil
10g shea butter, wildcrafted
10g cocoa butter, organic natural
10g coconut oil, organic virgin
10g emulsifier O

Last Phase
1g Geogard 221
1. Heat the water and oil phases separately in 2 pots until 60°C.
2. Combine the two phases and beat with a stick blender.
3. When it is beginning to thicken, add the last phase and blend.
4. Spoon into a container. Our 200ml pots are good for this.  
It’s a shame to use any perfume in this one as the cocoa butter smells SO good.
If you want a different odour, use deodorised cocoa butter and
1 tsp of essential or fragrance oil.

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