Elegant cream

Elegant cream

(Makes 200g)


Water Phase

150g water
10g glycerin
1 tsp allantoin

Oil Phase
12g conditioner pellets
12g jojoba oil
8g emulsifier O
4g shea butter

Last Phase
4g hydrolysed wheat protein
2g preservative (Geogard 221)
few drops essential oil

In separate pots heat both Water Phase and Oil Phase to 65°C. (Make sure the emulsifier in the Oil Phase is completely melted, Oil Phase may heat faster and need to be taken off the heat to cool to 65°C while Water Phase catches up.)
When both are at 65°C pour Oil Phase into Water Phase and blend until thick.
It won't thicken until it cools to around 40°C.
Add Last Phase and blend again.
Spoon into jar/jars.
