Moisturiser with borax

Moisturiser with sodium borate (borax)

This is an old-fashioned recipe used borax as an emulsifier.
Borax was used all the time until the new plant-based emulsifiers were developed.
Borax gets some bad press so do some research first to make sure you're comfortable with using it.

(Makes 500g)


Oil Phase

150g olive oil
37g beeswax
25g almond oil
12g wheatgerm oil
18g jojoba oil
7g cocoa butter
7g castor oil

Water Phase
215g water
5g borax
7g glycerin
10g essential oil of your choice (optional)

Last Phase
2g preservative (Geogard 221)

1. In a pot gently melt cocoa butter & beeswax.
Add all the other ingredients in the Oil Phase.
2. In another pot heat the water and sodium borate until it has dissolved.
Add the glycerin.
3. Pour the Oil Phase mixture into a blender and set the mixer to a slow speed. Add the Water Phase mixture little by little and continue to blend until the mixture thickens. This may take 15 mins or more.
4. As the mixture thickens, increase the speed until it is thick and creamy.
5. Add the Last Phase and blend in.
6. Spoon into containers.

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