April 2013

We have some great news for you -Untitled-1
Freight is now free on all orders over $100!

And that's true for all of you! Many of you live in the most isolated parts of New Zealand, relying on Rural Delivery, which seems to get more and more expensive - so we know you will be delighted to have something getting cheaper!

More good news for Rural Delivery people: we have eliminated the extra charge for rural delivery, so for orders under $100 you just pay $6.50 freight.

Do you live on an island? You'll know freight is horrendous then! We can't afford to courier your orders so will be taking them to the post office twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. So depending on when you order, this could add an extra day or two to delivery time.

Do you live locally and pick up your orders? We have removed the $1 charge.

Those of you who have been with us for a while will know that finding the fairest way to charge for freight (without having to increase our prices to compensate) has been a long-term concern for us. We hope that our new pricing will lighten your heart when you get to the end of entering an order!

In this issue:
Recipe: Hazelnut and Shea Lemon Hand Cream

Water Phase (WP)cream
100g water
1g aloe powder
4g glycerin

Oil Phase (OP)
20g hazelnut oil
10g shea butter
10g conditioner pellets

Last Phase (LP)
1g Geogard 221
1g lemon essential oil


1.     Heat the WP & OP separately in 2 pots until 60 °C.

2.     Combine the two phases and beat with a stick blender.

3.     When it is beginning to thicken, add LP and blend.

4.     Spoon into a container.

Making extracts

Making your own extracts takes a little time but is very simple and can save you hundreds of dollars.
You will need a clean jar with a tight-fitting lid.
Fresh or dried herbs, or fresh fruits (eg kiwifruit) can be used.
Avoid powdered herbs as they are difficult to filter out.

1. Place the herb/mashed fruit in the jar and completely cover them with ONE of the following:
  • Vodkabottles
  • Brandy
  • Vinegar
  • 50:50 mix of grain alcohol and purified water
  • 50:50 mix of glycerin and purified water
2. Screw on the lid, shake well, and put the jar in a dark place.
3. Over the first few days more of the above will need to be added as the herbs absorb the liquid.
4. Allow the mixture to soak for 4 to 6 weeks, remembering to shake every few days.
5. Using a sieve and a cheesecloth-type fabric, strain the herbs/fruit into bottles. Squeeze the cloth tightly to get every last drop.

And there you have your extract!

  • An extract made with alcohol will be stronger than a glycerin or vinegar extract, as the alcohol will dissolve more plant components. However, the mildness of glycerin or vinegar extracts means they may be preferable in some situations.
  • Ensure that fresh herbs are dry before putting them in the jar.

That's it for this time!

Best wishes
Elinor, Chelsea and Jacqui
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