Rose gold body shimmer

Rose gold body shimmer with Sapogel Q

This is a super easy and fun recipe to make once you have made your Sapogel Q base. The great thing about using this base rather than an oil base is that the gel will suspend the mica so that it won't sink to the bottom. So not having to shake the bottle before use!

See our video on how to work with Sapogel Q

For this recipe you're just adding mica until you reach the tone you want.

Here's the formula we used, this was a 100g batch - Use our Batch Size Calculator and the percentages provided here to easily adjust the volume of your batch.

Sapogel Q base
15% | 15g Sapogel Q
85% | 85g Fractionated coconut oil, certified organic

1/2 tsp Luminescent blush mica
1/2 tsp Gold satin mica

See video for method

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