Shimmer body oil


Shimmer body oil

Create a gorgeous subtle summer shine at the same time as nourishing your skin!

Makes 50g
 - use our Batch Size Calculator and the percentages provided here to easily adjust the volume of your batch.

86% | 43g chia seed oil, certified organic
10% | 5g shea butter, certified organic
2% | 1g bronze, gold or silver satin mica (see below for examples using different micas.)
1.5% | 0.75g sericite mica
0.5% | 0.25g vitamin E


  • Melt shea butter & oil in a double boiler or the microwave. 
  • Stir in remaining ingredients well. (A mini spatula helps smoosh the powders!)
  • Bottle, shake before use & get ready to glow!

Gold shimmer body oil
Using gold satin mica.
Silver shimmer body oil
Using silver satin mica.


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