Winter shea whip
Makes 400g - use our
Batch Size Calculator and the percentages provided here to easily adjust the volume of your batch.
75% | 300g
organic shea butter
24.5 | 98g
organic rosehip oil
0.5% | 2g
essential oil/
fragrance oil of your choice (optional)
- Melt shea butter until it is slightly soft only, not completely melted.
- Add rosehip oil.
- Whip with an electric whisker as you would for whipping cream (not a stick blender) until it has doubled in volume.
- If the mixture is too soft, put it in the fridge until it hardens up a little then continue to whip.
- Spoon into jars. Because this is whipped, if it gets hot, it will melt and you’ll lose the whipped effect, so in summer it’s best to keep it in the fridge.
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